FAIR Bookstore

Response to the Mormon Critics

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  • Are Mormons Christian? - Jeff Lindsay

  • NOSPAMruss@lightplanet.com
    This site is not provided to answer the critics. They don't believe there is an answer. This information is for those who have faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ but don't know how to answer some of the critic's questions.

    "Why do the Elders of the Church hold their peace, instead of contradicting the various falsehoods, which are published concerning them and their principles? The answer is, it would require a standing army of writers and printers in constant employ; for no sooner are our enemies detected in one falsehood, than a thousand more are put in circulation by them: and there are many who love a lie so much more than the truth, that we are quite willing they should enjoy their strong delusion." (Parley P. Pratt, Mormonism Unveiled, 1838)

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    These pages were last modified on July 24, 2005.
    If you have comments or suggestions, email me (Russell Anderson) at (remove NOSPAM) NOSPAMruss@theriver.com

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